People and Organisation - MN7181 (Blog 03)



Role and responsibilities of Human Resource Department and the Human Resource Manager in this Global Context

HR manager’s job became a very crucial role in this global and competitive context. Also, in this global context, HR managers have to create modern HR measurements by using modern technology to achieve expected high work performances in the organization.
Every managers in organizational structure is become a part of Human resource management and they should understand the importance of HR management. Even if we not spend our job as a HR Manager, but you have to think about how important HR management to perform your day-to-day role (Dessler, 2013).
Increasing of profit is the main objective of all the organizations other than the charitable organizations in this competitive business world and world become very smaller due to high-speed technology. In this global context the modern HR management is a part of this profit center concept (Dessler, 2013).  
When an organization is having a high skilled labour force it is a huge competitive advantage to that organization. To take the highest performance of the employee’s managers must recognize the ability or the potential of the human resource of that organization. After that manager must train, acquire, motivate, develop and retain these human resources within the organization. This is the basic form of Human Resources Management System (Armstrong, 2014).

Figure 01 – The Human Resources Management System (Armstrong, 2014)

According to Armstrong (2014) the HRM department in an organisation is likely to fulfill a number of different roles:
01. The executive role - HRM department is seen as the ‘expert’ in this and makes decisions about what should be done in this area.

02. The audit role - HRM department monitors organisational activities to ensure that HRM policies are being properly implemented.
03. The facilitator role - For example, team leaders could be given training to help them respond to, and deal with, complex relationships between team members that may involve HRM issues such as grievances, equal opportunities, human resource planning.

04. The consultancy role - HRM department provides advice and guidance to managers at all levels.

05. The service role - HRM department to be the provider of useful information on HRM matters.

According to Ulrich (1998) globalisation, profitability through growth, technology, intellectual capital and rapid change are affect to improve the impotency of HR role more than ever.  

Figure 2 - Impact of HRM on organizational performance (based on Paauwe, 2004)

                     Source - Imagine a World without HR: CEOs Speak to the Importance of HR (HRHoustonAssn 2016)


Armstrong, M., (2014), Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice, 13th ed., Kogan page, London.

Dessler, G., (2013), Human Resource Management, 13th ed., Prentice hall, USA.

HRHoustonAssn, Imagine a World without HR: CEOs Speak to the Importance of HR, Video, 06 July 2016, Accessed 30 May 2018, 9.00 pm,

Paauwe, J., (2004), HRM and Performance: Achieving long-term viability, Oxford, Oxford University Press, New York.

Ulrich D., (1998), A New Mandate for Human Resources, Harvard Business Review,, accessed 4 July 2018 at 10.31 pm.


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    1. contents have summarized and reduced the word count. Also added one more reference from HBR.
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