People and Organisation - MN7181 (Blog 04)


Source: Adapted from “How Much Time Should Your HR staff Spend on Recruiting?” Human Resources Department Management Report, June 2000, p. 6.

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning process of determining future employee needs and deciding steps of strategies to achieve those needs for the purpose of accomplishing organisation goals and objectives. Main objective of Human Resource Planning is to prepare the organization top acquire the appropriate (if possible, the most appropriate) employees for the appropriate jobs at the appropriate times so that overall organisational goals are attained.


·    The systematic and continuing process of analysing an organisations human resource needs under chaining conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate to the longer-term effectiveness of the organization. It is an integral part of corporate planning and budgeting procedures since human resource costs and forecast both affect and are affected by longer-term corporate plans. . It was presented when the notion of ‘manpower planning’ became popular in the 1960s and 70s.

Armstrong, 1991

·     ‘HR planning should aim to meet the needs of the key stakeholder groups involved in people management in the firm.’

                                                                                                Boxall and Purcell, 2003

(Human Resource Planning Process)

Importance of Human Resource Planning to the organization (Armstrong, 2009)

Human Resource Planning is a thing which is very imported for any organization. This is important because organizations are able to accomplish bellow objectives through Human Resource Planning.

·         To determine future employee needs (employee demand)
·         To utilise HR more efficiency and effectively
·         To control employee cost
·         To develop highly competent  managerial and professional employees
·         To formulate and implement strategic plans

Going Global

The CIPD survey found that the 10 most popular uses to which respondents put their HR information system (HRIS) and HR planning was one of user under those 10 users (Armstrong, 2009).

As per HumanResourcesMBA (2015) most successful companies identified that their people are most valuable assets and HR teams to be partners in the business. HR planning is must to create innovative HR practice and make positive work environment. They selected top 30 companies based such criteria and they researched details provided by 2013-2014 Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list and Glassdoor’s 2014-2015 winners of the Employees’ Choice Awards. Following are the top 10 companies,


2. Cadbury

3. SAS

4. Nissan

5. Twitter

6. LinkedIN

7. Boston Consulting Group

8. Ford

9. Shell

10. Rolls-Royce

Figures 1-10 (Source:


Armstrong, M., (1991), Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice, 04th ed., Kogan page, London.

Armstrong, M., (2009), Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice, 13th ed., Kogan page, London.

Boxall, P. F. and Purcell, J., (2003), Strategy and Human Resource Management, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

HumanResourcesMBA, (2015), Worlds 30 innovative corporate,, Accessed 09.06.2018 at 6.50 pm.



  1. Well structured and good flow some of the in text citations are not bracketed please do that. You have not given the figure one photo credit and also the HR wheel has not been credited duely.

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  4. great job with lot of information. but better to cite the relevant authors.

  5. well structured essay with a nice flow. keep up the good work

  6. Seems you have done a big research on this. Good job!

  7. Well organized essay, keep it up.

  8. Good essey. Saw some differences in your fonts.Check it. Good luck!

  9. Thank you for listing the rankings with data. Helpful for my PGDM in HR Management Course I am pursuing from distance learning school


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